National Exam or UN 2016 begins today, Monday, April 4, 2016. It follows the UN this year are all students of class XII level of high school, vocational school or the equivalent.
Today the UN of Indonesian Language, Chemistry, Geography, and Literature Indonesia. As for the day Tuesday, April 5, 2016, the National Examination (UN) besides mathematics are subjects of biology for high school students majoring in science.
Just like physics or mathematics, biology is also an important lesson and sometimes dreaded students. Especially when facing the problems of the National Exam.
Facing the National Examination (UN) in 2016, quoted from page Hargatop Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) today, Monday (04/04/2016), following the lattice leaks about the National Exam (UN) 2016 high school biology for science majors:
Diversity Ecology Hayatidan
In this chapter 2016 UN participants try to learn about the characteristics of living things and their role in life, the level of biodiversity (genes, species, ecosystems), the ecosystem, the basics of classification of living things, changes in the environment, and biogeochemical cycle.
Structure and Function of Living Things
In this part of high school students majoring in science Biology try to learn the structure and function in plants is high, the structure and function in humans and vertebrate animals, parts of organ systems in humans and its function, and disturbances in the human system.
Biomolecular Engineering and Biotechnology
From the leaked such questions there is a section in this chapter to note that the structure and function of cells, susunanRNA, DNA and chromosomes, cell metabolism, and biotechnology.
Genetics and Evolution
Try to learn how the laws of Mendel such apparent irregularities Mendel's laws, the origins of life such as the formation of gametes, and the theory of evolution as a hint or evidence of evolution.
Happy National Exam. Good luck!